October 2023: Live More with Less

Gabriele Sewtz
3 min readOct 15, 2023

Here’s the Story:

If the recent flooding in NYC taught us anything, it’s that we’re storing way too much in our basements. You might have been telling yourself you were saving those things for a rainy day. But that rainy day came and went and left your old ski boots waterlogged and useless. Maybe it’s time to declutter. If you just broke out in anxiety hives, we’re here to help. Read on.

Down to the Nitty-gritty:

The trick to decluttering is to divide and conquer. Attack the mess room by room, drawer by drawer. Start by arming yourself with containers designated for trash, recycling, put away, fix/mend, and donate. Take these with you as you travel through your home. Start in the bathroom. You know that drawer that’s so stuffed with hairdryers and old brushes that it no longer opens? Tackle that first. Then, move onto the medicine cabinet and so on. In the bedroom, focus on creating clear surface areas to give you that restful, sanctuary-like vibe. And while you may be tempted to empty all your drawers and closets into a big pile on the bed, don’t. Chances are you’ll run out of time and end up stuffing it all back in. Pull clothing by type so you can see what you own and decide whether you really need that fifth pair of dark-indigo-wash, ankle-length skinny jeans.

What’s the Takeaway?

As with any project, make sure you pace yourself and are realistic about how much time you have. Don’t bite off more than you can chew, or you’ll risk increasing the chaos instead of taming it. Even doing one drawer or tabletop a day will make a huge difference. Whether you’re gearing up for a move or just revamping your home’s aesthetic, decluttering is always value added. Need help? I’m a certified stager. Give me a call, and we’ll sort it out together!

The Gabriele Moment

Design is totally my thing. In another life, that might have meant overhauling my home and trying new trends every year. But luckily for me (and for my husband), I can put my passion to good use at work. I get to collaborate with sponsors on new developments and spend delicious hours working on color palettes, Italian tiles, custom cabinetry, and magazine-worthy, spa-like bathrooms. So, if you are planning a remodel and are wondering how to balance your style with a design that will increase your resale value, hit me up for advice. I’m happy to help!

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Connect with Gabriele Sewtz

Instagram | Website | Video | Listings |NYC Vignettes | gsewtz@compass.com



Gabriele Sewtz

Mom, wife, and top-producing real estate broker at Compass, passionate Brooklynite. www.sewtz.com