July 2023: How to Stay Chill in NYC

Gabriele Sewtz
3 min readJul 16, 2023

Here’s the Story:

It’s summer in the city, and things are heating up! While movie theatres and splash pads are fun for a while, you need a way to stay cool at home. If you’re purchasing a new place and want to know your options, we’ve got you covered!

Down to the Nitty-gritty:

So much of New York City was built back when people relied on cool breezes and summers sleeping on rooftops to keep heat exhaustion at bay. While new developments might offer the promise of central air, what if you fall in love with an older property? Assuming you get the proper permits and approvals, you might be able to squeeze in the massive ductwork and equipment for central air. But that’s a big if, which is the reason NYC is the mecca for window A/C units. And while some are clunky and loud, there’s a new U-shaped unit that’s designed to use your windowpane as a natural sound barrier. Installing and removing A/C units not a NYC tradition you’d like to take part in? Consider some permanent options like a ductless mini-split air conditioner. As its name suggests, the latter doesn’t require the extensive duct system that central air relies on, and most units will even serve as a dual heating and cooling system. Just know you’ll need professional installation, a hidden spot for a compressor, and (if you live in a coop or condo) board approval.

What’s the Takeaway?

If you’re looking to purchase an older home, there’s no need to spend the summer watching your artisanal chocolates melt on the counter. Take a look at your budget and have a professional evaluate the property and know, beyond table fans, that you do have options.

The Gabriele Moment

In 2020, just before lockdown, we put up a basketball hoop in the backyard of our townhouse. You know, just for fun. Little did we realize that soon, with school closures and remote everything, our son Ryan would start shooting baskets like it was his job and land tens of thousands of backyard jump shots. When in-person school resumed in 2021, Ryan made JV without ever having played a single game! Now, as we tour colleges and receive invitations from prospect camps at D1 and D3 schools, our only problem is finding a dorm bed for our 6’6” basketball player. Talk about silver linings!

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Connect with Gabriele Sewtz

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Gabriele Sewtz

Mom, wife, and top-producing real estate broker at Compass, passionate Brooklynite. www.sewtz.com